Monday, March 14, 2011

Pursuing Happiness

I have come to the decision that I will do something that I told myself that I would not do --- create a blog. Never say never, right? Therefore, I welcome all and any readers to my personal musings, contemplations, disclosed thoughts, and insights. This may become the way that I record how I spend my time and tell the world the things that I cannot express through coherent verbal means. Well here it is, the unveiling of how I view life. At slight personal risk and with a strange motivation I will attempt share my perspective and accomplish something I have not tried before.

I'd like to explain the title of my newly created blog. Often the phrase "happily ever after" is tossed about explaining what people perceive others' lives to be. Inside fairy stories and magical tales this seems to be the norm, but since I haven't found my fairy story I will live after the manner of happiness. I can only recall one truly perfect day (that was when I was eight years old) but each day can and does have something happy that can be recognized. Whether it is the birds singing in the trees as I walk down the street or a planned afternoon with friends, they are happy things that fill my life. I believe that when people search for happiness they will find it; much like the glad game in Polyanna. As I search for my happily ever after I want a record of the happily nows that exist. This is that record. There will probably be a number of postings that will not always seem happy at first but they will be important to who I am and what I wish to share. The glass is always full of something; it all depends on the perspective.
Consider yourself prepared (or warned).

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